Gardening Tips

Autumn tasks a-plenty – Grow how tips for September

The summer fun has died down, the children are back in school, and there is suddenly plenty to do in the garden again.   Lots of tidying of course, but other tasks as well such as sowing a green manure, tidying the climbing roses and assessing your garden tool collection… Tooling up Have you ever watched […]

Gardening Tips

Dig out that note-book! Grow-how tips for late summer

August Bank Holiday has come racing along, hasn’t it!  And for many of us gardeners it heralds fading colours, waving seedheads and too much blackspot.  But wait a minute…there are autumn beauties just around the corner!  And in the meantime, let’s take stock, make a few cuttings, and harvest the apples…… Softwood cuttings The salvias have been […]

Gardening Tips

Spuds, sowing and succulents – Growhow tips for August

The changeable weather this summer has certainly kept the grass green and growing! Along with keeping that under control, there are plenty of other gardening tasks to keep us busy such as sowing perennial seeds, harvesting spuds, or propagating succulents… Sowing perennials The main seed-sowing season is well-and-truly over of course, but August and September […]

Gardening Tips

Get the most from your veg and flowers: Grow-how tips for July

We’ve given up expecting a prolonged spell of warm weather this summer, haven’t we? But the dates march on just the same, and August is just around the corner. Help! Still so much to do, so let’s get on with neatening paths, harvesting courgettes and deadheading all the summer bedding, amongst other jobs…. Finding the […]

Gardening Tips

Get set for seed season! Grow how tips for July

When is this weather going to cheer up?!  I know we all moan like crazy when it gets too hot, but more than two sunny days together would be welcome at the moment. The grey, damp skies may be dismal for us, but there are hundreds of plants revelling in it.  And that means there’s plenty of work […]

Gardening Tips

Jazz up your geraniums – Gardening tips for July

Cold pelting rain to stifling, breathless heat within a day – honestly, if our gardens are not confused by now, then I certainly am!  Still, that’s what we love about our changeable climate.  Isn’t it?!   When we are not talking about the weather, there are still gardening jobs to be done – we must cut back hardy […]

Gardening Tips

June’s in bloom! – Grow-how tips

Ooooh, it’s still pretty chilly, isn’t it! But at least we’ve all seen a bit more of the sun this month. And there are a lot more flowers everywhere – hurray! No resting on our laurels yet though. There are jobs to do, like sharpening up the evergreens, pruning the fruit trees, and dead-heading the […]

Gardening Tips

Time for the chop! Grow-how tips for early June

‘Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June’.  A.L. Bernstein had it right – June is a huge compensation for losing all the bright freshness of early spring, with its offering of swags of roses, and carpets of hardy geraniums, daisies or poppies. But it’s a very busy month for the gardener too, and […]

Gardening Tips

Feeling full of beans! Grow-how tips for May

Hurray, hurray, hurray, it’s May!!!  Spring has sprung everywhere in the UK now, and we can simply revel in the tender new tree foliage and all the freshness of the season.   But while we are celebrating spring, there are jobs to get done, such as planting summer bulbs and beans, keeping an eye on the roses, […]

Gardening Tips

Shivering into summer! Grow-how tips for late April

Are you struggling with a cold and wet Spring where you are? You’re not alone. Laura and I visited our younger sister Caroline in the Scottish Highlands this week where there is still snow on the hills. But plants are still responding to the longer daylight hours and there was plenty to do. We put […]

Gardening Tips

Let’s plant clematis! April grow-how tips

How are your to-do lists going?! Every April, I start out with a dozen things on mine, I slog away all day in the garden, potting shed or greenhouse, and by the evening, the list hasn’t shortened at all – because I’ve added a dozen more tasks….!  Let’s get on with a few – weeding, […]

Gardening Tips

Oodles of activity! Grow how tips for early April

It’s Easter weekend – wow, that’s come up fast, hasn’t it! The gardens about to go into overdrive, and you might have to, as well! There are barely enough hours in the day for all the jobs that need attention, so let’s get on with spreading fertiliser, mulching, and planting potatoes for starters… Making free […]

Gardening Tips

Pruning and planting – Grow-how tips for March

Aarrggh!  All of a sudden it’s mid-March and the gardening jobs are multiplying as the big growing season gets under way.  It’s exciting too, though!  Here are a few ideas to spur you into action – rose-pruning, spring planting, potting on seedlings and lots more……. How to prune bush roses My main task for March is completing all the […]

Gardening Tips

Take charge of your clematis! Grow-how tips for March

I can’t help feeling excited now March is here! colour and life are returning all around us, and the songbirds are revving up their glorious spring voices.   And what they’re telling us is to get a move on!  The gardening jobs are multiplying rapidly, from pruning clematis and blackcurrants to tidying ferns, starting off shallots and […]

Gardening Tips

Doing your prep – Growhow tips for February

Here we are on the brink of another thrilling spring garden season! Shakespeare’s Henry V had the words for it: “I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, straining upon the start. The game’s afoot..” But are we REALLY ready? This week’s tips are mostly about prepping for the manic deluge of horticultural tasks […]

Gardening Tips

Potting up the prims! Grow-how tips for early Feb

Hurray!  That’s dreary old January out the way. By the time we get to the end of February there will little signs of approaching spring  everywhere, even if there are still some cold blasts to come.   So let’s welcome in February by doing some cheering jobs like potting up primroses, sowing broad beans and beautifying tree-bark, amongst […]

Gardening Tips

More shrubs for free! Grow-how tips for January

Things are turning a bit nippy, aren’t they, even down here on the balmy south coast!  Frankly, it’s a welcome relief after all the endless rain.   This may be the quieter side of the year horticulturally speaking, but there are still jobs to do like making more shrubs for free, tending your garden furniture and planting […]

Gardening Tips

It’s wet out there! Grow how tips for January

Arghh, will it ever stop raining?!  It’s been a very wet and windy start to the New Year here and in many other parts of the country.  It’s not tempting to get out into the garden in such miserable weather, but there are jobs calling, such as releasing lawn compaction and tidying the base of trees, […]

Gardening Tips

Bring the garden inside! Grow how tips for December

You definitely need a break from all the present-buying, list-making, baking and strategic planning required in mid-December! So relax for a while and choose some beautiful foliage to make your home a green haven this Christmas, as well as thinking about our precious songbirds over winter, and perhaps a little gentle pruning………. Creating a festive […]

Gardening Tips

Let’s plant lilies! Grow-how tips for December

It’s a funny thing but each year the whole Christmas shenanigans seems to begin earlier in direct correspondence to the older you become! Take a break from the list-making, pudding-stirring and sock-buying and get on with a few gardening tasks, such as planting lilies, prepping herbs for winter use, and earthing up the cabbages… Lovely […]

Gardening Tips

Tulips for cheer! Growhow tips for November

Late autumn and the leaves are turning colour and falling fast now. Winter’s on its way, but that’s no reason to hang up your trowel and gardening coat till spring – No, no, no, there’s work to be done! Let’s plant tulips, clean up the paths and mulch the beds for starters… Planting tulips It’s […]

Gardening Tips

Battening down the hatches! Grow-how tips for November

Whoa!  We have all had some VERY rough weather this autumn, haven’t we!  I hope your outdoor spaces have survived the onslaught of wind and rain. There are tasks we can do to make our gardens more resilient against wild weather so let’s get on with cutting back roses and other shrubs, as well as sorting out […]

Gardening Tips

Raking it in! Grow-how tips for October

The first properly cold snap here in the south means that we can no longer deny that winter is on its way – Laura’s hauling her tender plants in, Caroline’s surveying snow on the Highland mountains around her, and the shops have fully-stocked Christmas aisles. Resist the urge to hibernate, plant a cheering winter pot or […]

Gardening Tips

Let’s plant trees! Gardening tips for October

It looks lovely out there today, but we all know that we could face some very rough weather before October is out, don’t we!   So let’s make the most of the gentle, bright autumn days to get some excellent garden tasks done, such as tree planting, taking some hardwood cuttings, and moving hardy evergreens…… Time […]

Gardening Tips

Are you feeling seedy? Gardening tips for September

Most of us have experienced some fierce storms this week and guess what?!  Most of us got (very) wet AGAIN, as well as windswept.  Oh well, it’s still far too early in the year to curl up in front of the fire with a copy of Gardeners World magazine and a glass of red, so let’s […]

Gardening Tips

Is your garden Autumn-ready? – Growhow tips for Sept

How unjust is that! Most of our poor schoolchildren (and their teachers) have had to tolerate wet weather all through their summer hols, and then we get a heatwave when they’re all back in their classrooms. But before the rest of us get too happy with our BBQs and sun hats, remember there are jobs […]

Gardening Tips

Bagging bargains – Gardening tips for late August

Here we are at the August Bank Holiday and no one can deny that the glorious explosion of summer garden colour is behind us. But early autumn has its real joys too! Don’t forget to savour them as we get on with tasks like sowing some parsley, nurturing self-sown seedlings and picking up bargains……. Cut-price […]

Gardening Tips

Keep the summer colour glowing – Grow-how tips for August

The middle of August? No way! The year is slipping by too quickly as usual, and there is still so much to be done! Let’s at least keep the summer alive as long as possible with lots of dead-heading, chive-division and judicious propagation of tender plants……. A short discourse on dead-heading The harsh fact is […]

Gardening Tips

Primping your evergreens: Grow-how tips for August

Many of our gardens have certainly appreciated the very changeable weather so far this summer. Even if it has meant that accurate planning for social events has been largely thrown out of the window! With water-butts full, and lush green growth even in August, we can get on with other summer jobs like pruning some […]

Gardening Tips

Keep on top of the summer jobs! Grow-how tips for July

All our water butts have been filled to the brim in the last few days of downpours – relieved about that, at least!  The garden is bursting with colour and growth, and a daily wander around is essential – deadheading this, tying in that….but there are some specific jobs to be done as well, like potting […]

Gardening Tips

Growing geraniums? Act now! – Tips for July

Flamin’ June? It certainly was round here. If last year’s drought made lots of folk re-think their plant choices, they’ll be feeling a touch more complacent than many, I daresay. I know that much of the north of the UK has had a wetter time of it, but most of us have been praying for […]

Gardening Tips

Making free plants! Grow-how tips for June

Oooft, it’s been proper hot this week round here! Things are bearing up well….so far, but I’m keeping a very wary eye on plants that may struggle, particularly anything planted this spring. In the meantime, how about making easy free plants, cutting sweet peas, and sowing lettuces amongst other jobs… Free plants The price of […]

Gardening Tips

Summer’s arrived! Grow-how tips for June

Flamin’ June – and isn’t it exciting!  Fresh beautiful flowers opening every day, and longer evenings to enjoy them in.  But there are jobs to get on with, when you are not floating around in loveliness – shrubs to prune, basil to nurture, tulip bulbs to dry… let’s stir our stumps….. Early summer shrubs Call me […]

Gardening Tips

The Chelsea Chop v 2.0 Grow-how tips for May

All of a sudden the days just aren’t long enough for all the intense gardening jobs pressing for our attention! I keep making lists, losing the lists, making new lists, going outside to do something on the list, and getting distracted by at least five other jobs on the way.. But I won’t miss out […]

Gardening Tips

Time for celebration! Grow-how tips for May

HURRAY, IT’S MAY!  We 3Growbags are in celebratory mood – not only for the Coronation of King Charles III (it just HAD to be crown imperials for our feature pic this week, didn’t it), but also because we started our blog together seven years ago this weekend! If you haven’t already, do sign up to our […]

Gardening Tips

Bursting out all over! Grow-how tips for April

Everything in the garden has grown about a foot in the last week!  The great spring push is definitely on now, even in the far North of Scotland where I spent a lovely few days with the youngest Growbag 🐣 in her new Highland home and garden.   The Natural World is surging forward, and so must […]