Gardening Tips

Propagation and Pruning – Gardening tips for January

The middle of January and we gardeners are all the same. Our fingers are already itching to get started on our 2025 garden! Recent severe weather might have kept us indoors, but it’s time to get weaving.  How about trying some cuttings in water, sowing some seeds, and pruning some shrubs ………. Cuttings in water Regular […]

Gardening Tips

Let’s plant clematis! April grow-how tips

How are your to-do lists going?! Every April, I start out with a dozen things on mine, I slog away all day in the garden, potting shed or greenhouse, and by the evening, the list hasn’t shortened at all – because I’ve added a dozen more tasks….!  Let’s get on with a few – weeding, […]

Gardening Tips

Easter in the garden – Grow-how tips for April

Happy Easter everyone!  Time to welcome in one of the most joyful times for anyone interested in horticulture or indeed the whole natural world.  Let’s quietly give thanks for all the emerging beauty of spring while we go about our many gardening tasks, such as dealing with the daffodils, hardening off seedlings or sowing cucumbers……………….. Hardening them […]

Growbag Blog

10 things that make a perfect day in the garden

For all of us, a perfect day in the garden will be the sum of many little tasks, revelations and modest triumphs that together make our collective hobby so satisfying. But with such contrasting tastes and locations (and, in Caroline’s case, skill levels …) what really constitutes a perfect day in the garden for us […]

Gardening Tips

Spring’s a-coming! Gardening tips for early March

Oh, when named storms aren’t blowing our trees sideways, you can sniff it on the air – spring is getting its snout above ground! Certainly here in the south, the birds are out singing, the weeds are out growing, and we should out there too, preparing for the coming horticultural havoc. Let’s have a go […]

Gardening Tips

Cuttings the easy-peasy way – Garden tips for early November

Here we are, already at Halloween weekend! In between scraping out pumpkins and dressing excited small children in spooky outfits, there are some very handy tasks in the garden you could tackle/escape to, including reviving your mint pot, taking easy cuttings and digging out the horror weeds. Just a reminder that if you don’t have […]

Gardening Tips

Paused at the starting gate – Growhow tips for April

This spring is certainly taking its time to get going! The soil still feels cold, and this week experienced the coldest April night in eight years – even in the the balmy southern counties. That doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty to do though, including sorting out your seating areas, tending the roses, and dividing primroses, […]

Gardening Tips

Plotting and planning – Growhow tips for February

The snowdrops are in full fig, and even early daffodils are starting to flower down here in the south – praise be! We’ll soon be through this ghastly, frightening winter and into brighter, more hopeful days. Time to start some veg-plot planning, and tackling some deep-rooted weeds amongst other things… Rotation motivation If you are […]

Gardening Tips

The wonderful world of ….weeding! – GrowHow tips for April

As we battle on through these challenging Covid-times, anyone with an outside patch to tend has been very grateful for the distraction, therapy and pleasure that it offers during national lockdown. And there is SO MUCH to do at this time of year! Let’s get on with a few jobs, including tackling the weeds and […]

Grow your own

13. Show your veg plot a bit of love #DigYourOwnaForCorona

We really hope you’ve enjoyed the DigYourOwnaForCorona journey we’ve been on, over the last fortnight! From digging a veg bed to melons and herbs, it feels like we’ve cantered through a great many topics in a short space of time. Today, I want to talk about a few more general topics that can help growing-your-own […]

Gardening Tips

Sowing seeds and gorgeous scents… Grow-How Tips for January

Mid-January in the UK and I don’t know about you, but I find it a little less tempting to venture into the garden. But there are lots of tasks like early seed-sowing, scrubbing down patios and paths, and planning for winter scent etc. that will take our minds off the chill and put a gloss […]

Gardening Tips

Grow-How Tips for Spring

Help! There’s suddenly so much to do in the garden and not enough hours in the day to do them all! The trick is just to get started on something somewhere – one job at a time, that’s the secret. Here are a few to consider: PLANTING OUT THE SWEETPEASIf you have germinated sweetpea seeds […]