Gardening Tips

Prepping and planning – Growhow tips for September

We have had just some seriously blowy interludes here – tail-end of Storm Boris, apparently (no barracking at the back, please) – and it’s a reminder that the year is moving on apace.   The autumnal vibe means there’s all sorts of prep to be done in the garden before the cold sets in, including sowing […]

Gardening Tips

Getting busy with the bulbs – Growing tips for early September

August Bank Holiday, glorious school summer hols over for another year, and the soft days of early autumn ahead of us. In the garden, it’s harvest-time, but we can also get some very handy jobs done now. How about getting started on the bulb-planting? Or sowing some veg seeds and hardy annuals, and ordering bareroot […]

Gardening Tips Gardening Tips

Full throttle springtime – garden tips for early April

Busting out all around us now, spring in all its excitement and hopefulness! It’s all systems go, go, go in the veg patch (did you see my article in the April issue of Garden Answers, by any chance? We 3Growbags got very over-excited about that!), and a mountain of other tasks such as thinning out […]

Gardening Tips

Itching to get going? Gardening tips for February

Here we are on the brink of another busy spring-season – full of hope that we’ll be able to make our gardens even more fabulous than they were last year! We know that by the end of February, we’ll be madly trying to keep up with our horticultural to-do lists, but for now, there are […]

Gardening Tips

Buckling up for autumn – Grow-how tips for October

We all know the weather’s going to turn soon enough into something a little more…errr… challenging… So here are some ideas to get you out there before that happens. And don’t forget that if you don’t have time to read this blog, no problem! Click on the podcast link at the bottom and listen to […]

Gardening Tips

The show must go on! – Growhow tips for early September

I’m struggling to remember an early September when the grass looked greener and the plants (and weeds!) looked lusher. There are compensations to having a summer as we have had in the south, when the sun has been VERY reluctant to put his hat on (although quite fed up with Caroline’s reports of daily sunshine […]

Gardening Tips

Thinking ahead – Grow-how tips for September

For most of this year, thinking about horticulture has been a blessed relief from the miserable news headlines, and this September is as crowded with grim stories as ever, so let’s turn with a sense of release and solace to some tasks like pruning shrubs, sowing hardy annual seeds, and planting bulbs amongst other things…………………. […]

Gardening Tips

Preparing for the Chilly Season – Grow-How Tips for Early October

A real change in the air now as the garden takes on its autumn colours. There’s plenty to do as you pack away the outdoor furniture and make sure that your plants are ready to face the winter. Here are some ideas for tasks such as sowing Hardy Annuals and broad beans, laying a soil […]

Growbag Blog

Kiss me Hardy Annuals!

What fun hardy annuals are! Lots and lots of easy, pretty things from seeds scattered over a bit of soil – even a most frightful horticultural snob like Laura can’t get sniffy about that, surely?  Now I am well aware that the clever-clogs among you will be saying “Why are the Growbags talking about hardy annuals […]