Gardening Tips

Your autumn gardening guide

We’ve got some colder weather round the corner now, all right! But here I am telling you to tear yourself away from the cosy TV winter schedules, put your woollies on and get stuck into some gardening jobs! Make sure all your tender plants are taken care of. Check stored fruit. Or perhaps plan for […]

Gardening Tips

Get to grips with your evergreens – Grow how tips for August

Our blazing August continues in the south. Many of us are now finding that we are having to make tough decisions about what to water with cans, and what will just have to be sacrificed – at least for this year.   But even in extreme weather, there are jobs to be done like trimming evergreen […]

Grow your own

12. Herb Heaven – Beginner’s Veg

We really hope we’ve talked you into growing some vegetables this summer, and Laura has expounded on the subject of fruit. This is the last episode of our Beginner’s Veg course but if you enjoyed it, please think about buying our pocket-sized book that accompanies the course – the link is at the end. Let’s […]

Gardening Tips

Stepping into spring – Grow-how tips for April

We’ve arrived at April – probably the busiest month in the calendar for a gardener! Seeds to sow, beauties to plant, shoots to tie in… least we now have an extra hour in the evening to get things done! A few tips here to help you, and we 3Growbags also want to tell you about […]