Gardening Tips

Fabulous festive house-plants! Gardening tips for December

The mad mayhem of Christmas is nearly upon us now! But try to find time between gift-wrapping and writing grocery lists for a little horticulture. How about looking after your pot-plants? Or planning your sweet pea campaign? Maybe even planting some blackcurrant bushes… I’m not much of a house-plant gal as a rule – un-trendy to […]

Gardening Tips

Turning beasts into beauties – Growhow tips for August

High summer and everything in the garden going at full bore – hurray! This is when you really find out how successful your plans were for new plants, new borders, this year’s fruit and veg crop etc. Triumph? Disaster? A bit of each, I expect, like me. There are still some things to do in […]

Grow your own

11.What about some fabulous fruit? – Beginner’s Veg

So we’ve got our salad crops on the go and plans in place for that warming winter veg, all we need now is some home-grown fruit for delicious summer puds, jams and jellies, with some left over to stock up the freezer. There’s such a range of varieties now to suit any size of garden, […]

Gardening Tips

Sizzling ideas! – Grow-How tips for early August

Early August means the highest of high summer! Whatever is on your mind, it can’t halt the corn reaching as high as an elephant’s eye, or the fruit ripening on the branches. Let’s be thankful for that at least, and get on with some tasks like sowing winter salads, make some new sempervivums, and assessing […]

Gardening Tips

Therapy for Troubled Times – Grow How Tips for Late March

If ever there was a time to feel glad that we have a mutual interest in gardening, this is it. Not being able to share our hobby physically at the moment, we can still get on with the myriad jobs of spring, like seed-sowing, herb-growing and fern-titivation……… Calm in the Chaos Last year’s angst about […]

Gardening Tips

Gardening Jobs for early March

It’s time to dandy up the dogwoods OK, you’ve enjoyed those lovely bright stems of Salix (Willow)  and Cornus (Dogwood) cultivars all winter, cheering up the garden through the dull months, but if you want the same again next year, you must be very stern with them (being a schoolteacher, I’m quite good at that).   Sharpen your secateurs and cut […]