Gardening Tips

Fabulous festive house-plants! Gardening tips for December

The mad mayhem of Christmas is nearly upon us now! But try to find time between gift-wrapping and writing grocery lists for a little horticulture. How about looking after your pot-plants? Or planning your sweet pea campaign? Maybe even planting some blackcurrant bushes… I’m not much of a house-plant gal as a rule – un-trendy to […]

Gardening Tips

Bring the garden inside! Grow how tips for December

You definitely need a break from all the present-buying, list-making, baking and strategic planning required in mid-December! So relax for a while and choose some beautiful foliage to make your home a green haven this Christmas, as well as thinking about our precious songbirds over winter, and perhaps a little gentle pruning………. Creating a festive […]

Growbag Blog

10 fabulous plants for a festive pot

Who doesn’t love a beautifully-planted festive pot by the front door? And surely we need the pleasure of that this year more than ever. So much classier than a flashing Santa on the front lawn (if you know what I mean) and kinder on the neighbours who live opposite. Your first task is to decide […]

Gardening Tips

How to keep your festive houseplants happy! Tips for early January

Do you have flowering plants in the house this Christmas? They add a bit of glamour at this time of year, don’t you think? But how do you get poinsettias and amaryllis to stay alive, so they do the same next year? I’m well-known for not having much patience with houseplants, preferring to do my gardening out of […]