Gardening Tips

Sort out that shed! Gardening tips for January

Happy New Year!  Are you starting 2025 bursting with good intentions for your garden?  So am I!  Things are pretty quiet out there at the moment. But there are still tasks to do that will pave the way to your best ever gardening year. How about sorting out that junk-filled shed, persuading the chillies to get through the […]

Gardening Tips

Gardening tips for early December

The festive season is upon us, and we must brace ourselves for browsing the shop-shelves while listening to Slade, Mariah Carey and Wizzard once again.  Because so much of Christmas was cancelled last year, I wonder if we’ll welcome the Yuletide Muzak a little more this year than normal? No, me neither, but I’ll be humming […]