Growbag Blog

Five garden plans for 2025

Still too cold and wet to get stuck into any serious practical work outside, now is the time for dreaming up new features for your garden. Our advancing age (now combined 207 years) appears to have engendered a certain dottiness in our respective plans for 2025, but we’ll let you be the judge of our […]

Gardening Tips

Time for a re-vamp? Gardening tips for early February

It always feels such a long cold time until February, doesn’t it!  But it’s here now, and by the end of this short month, spring will be waving a tentative ‘Hello!’ from every corner. We hope.  Plenty to get on with now though in preparation for that, like re-vamping your borders, mulching pots, and dividing some  succulents… […]

Growbag Blog

Spring bulbs – are they worth it?

Are you finding your inbox is full of all sorts of spring bulb offers at the moment? Dazzling dwarf daffs, bags of crocus corms for a fiver, mix n’ match tulips, all that sort of thing? There are several spring bulbs that don’t cut the mustard – with 3Growbags at any rate – though as […]

Gardening Tips

Hedges, bulbs and winter pots – Grow-how tips for early October

How grateful we’ve been for some bright calm days this week, as we get on with the big autumn garden-tidy! Cutting back, deadheading, path-clearing and mulching are all more enjoyable if it’s not actually TEEMING with rain! There are plenty of other good jobs to be doing too, such as putting in a new hedge, […]

Spring Great Plants this Month

Tulipa turkestanica AGM

I have always grown tulips in pots. At least, I always start them off in pots – it’s easy to keep an eye on them and to judge how well they do and to see how much I like them. But every year, after they have flowered, there is the same old question of what to […]

Gardening Tips

Out with the old….Grow-How Tips for January

New year, new beginnings – hurray! And even in the deepest days of winter, you can get on with some tasks that will make you feel that spring is on the way – clearing things up ready for the early bulbs, pruning the shaggy shrubs, ordering seeds………. Sprucing up for early spring There are plenty of […]

Gardening Tips

Grow-How Tips for October

The lovely autumn leaves are starting to flutter and fall, and it’s no longer possible to ignore the shortening of the days now – our wonderful summer has come to an end at last, and we gardeners must think about winter-protection, as well as planning for next year, even while we are savouring the gorgeous […]