Plant lists

Plants for pots chosen by the3Growbags


What are the best plants to grow in a pot? Over the years, we 3Growbags and our fantastic columnist Louise Sims have written about our favourite plants for pots. I thought it would a good idea to collect our thoughts together into a list which may help folk to get ideas for their own container-growing.

To find out what we said about any particular plant, clicking on the name will take you to the article concerned. It seemed sensible to arrange the names alphabetically, but in two groups: firstly, plants for winter and spring, and then plants for summer and autumn.

For winter and spring pots


Anemone de Caen

Asplenium scolopendrium – Hart’s Tongue Fern

Camellia ‘Yuletide

Camellia ‘Yuletide’

Cyclamen – white

Cornus ‘Annie’s Winter Orange’

Daphne bholua

Treat yourself to some glorious scent in your winter garden.

Dryopteris felix-mas Male fern


Ficinia truncata ‘Ice Crystal’

Ficinia truncate ‘Ice crystal’

Foliage plants

Gaultheria procumbens

Helleborus niger

Hyacinth ‘Woodstock’

Hyacinths which sit nice and cosy on a Scottish side table in February


Ornamental cabbage



Tulipa greigii ‘Little Red Riding Hood’

Tulipa turkestanica

Tulipa turkestanica - Turkestan tulip
Tulipa turkestanica

Summer and autumn

Alpines and succulents

Stone trough
Alpines and succulents

Argyranthemum ‘Jamaica Primrose’

Arisaema nepenthoides






Dahlia ‘Cafe au Lait’
Dahlia ‘Cafe au ait’

Dahlia imperialis

Eucomis bicolor

Eucomis bicolor

Fig trees

Fruit trees

Geranium palmatum

Geranium palmatum
Geranium palmatum


Hedychium gardnerianum– ginger lily

Hedychium gardnerianum - ginger lily
Hedychium gardnerianum – ginger lily


Helichrysum petiolare


Lobelia tupa

Lobelia Tupa


Night-scented stocks

Salads and veg

Growing lettuces in a pot .

Tree ferns



Tithonia ‘Torch’

Tulbaghia violacea

Verbena bonariensis

Verbena bonariensis


By the3growbags

We're three sisters who love gardening, plants and even the science of horticulture but we're not all experts. We'd love everyone even remotely interested in their gardens to be part of our blogsite.

2 replies on “Plants for pots chosen by the3Growbags”

Thank you so much. All that flowering beauty. But I really love the Turkestanica tulpips. I have them too in my garden en they are coming up now! The green sprouts are already visible, and I’m hoping they’ll do well. I didn’t take the bulbs out of the ground, as most Dutch people don’t. So it’s always a surprise to see what they’ll look like this year. Fun fact about the Turkestanica tulip: it’s a wild species that originates from the mountainous regions of Central Asia. Happy to have them in my garden.

Hi Aritha, Elaine here. Thank you for writing in, glad you liked the list. The species tulips are just wonderful do-ers, aren’t they! They seem to have a joie de vivre that many of the primped and exotic hybrids lack, and what’s more, most are fabulously reliable for repeat-flowering. In these ‘cost-of-living crisis’ days, that counts for a lot. Happy gardening!

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