Plant lists

Great plants for autumn colour

Spindle – Euonymus europaeus A deciduous shrub or small tree with lovely pink and red leaves in autumn.  The white flowers turn to bright pink and orange seeds. Callicarpa bodinieri ‘Profusion’ A deciduous shrub with dark green leaves that get a purplish tint in autumn alongside extraordinary shiny purple berries in clusters on the branches.  Berberis […]

Plant lists

Our favourite garden trees

Over the years, we 3Growbags and our wonderful resident plantswoman Louise Sims have discussed some of our favourite garden trees in our weekly blogs, and it seemed a good idea to gather our thoughts together into a serviceable reference list. Click on a tree name to find out what we said about it (or in […]

Plant lists

Plants for pots chosen by the3Growbags

What are the best plants to grow in a pot? Over the years, we 3Growbags and our fantastic columnist Louise Sims have written about our favourite plants for pots. I thought it would a good idea to collect our thoughts together into a list which may help folk to get ideas for their own container-growing. […]

Plant lists

Our favourite plants for September and October

Over the years, we 3Growbags and our plant columnist Louise Sims have often discussed our favourite plants for brightening the garden in September and October.  So it occurred to us that it might be handy to compile a list of these plants as a link to where we tell you more about them.  It might just the […]

Plant lists

Plant list for a native hedge

Hawthorn Crataegus monogyna (and the very similar Midland hawthorn Crataegus laevigata). This species should form the backbone of your hedge. Smothered in blossom in May (another colloquial name for it) and berries in the autumn that last well into the winter. It’s grown from seed so has a delightful variation in leaf shape, berry colour […]

Plant lists

Tried and tested drought-tolerant plants

Shrubs Buddleia – their flowering period may be a bit truncated but they seem happy to give it a go Callistemon, bottle brush, a bit of a marmite shrub due to its spiky foliage, but definitely a heat lover. Caryopteris – welcome pale blue flowers at the end of the summer Cistus – should be […]

Plant lists

Laura’s Woodland Edge Plants

Here is a list of plants that I have collected over the years that seem to be happy in a shady bed that has a reasonable amount of organic matter added and is mulched annually with leaf mould or similar. Perennials Aquilegia ‘Ruby Port’ – my favourite granny’s bonnet, which seems to come true from […]

Plant lists

75 best plants to grow for winter

“Gardener, if you listen, listen well Plant for your winter pleasure, when the months Dishearten; plant to find a fragile note Touched by the brittle violin of frost”. Vita Sackville-West Over the years, we have often had online discussions about our favourite winter plants – bulbs, trees, shrubs, etc. Our columnist Louise Sims has also […]