As you can see from our feature picture, we Growbags are wistfully remembering the times when we could share large slabs of cake and cuppas in a cosy café…….!
We’ve decided this week it’s your turn to put your brain cells to work. To give you a break from baking mince pies and festive Zoom parties, Elaine and I have put together a quiz for you. We tried it out on Caroline and she couldn’t answer any of it, so don’t worry, you definitely won’t be getting the lowest score……..(and the answers are at the link at the end).
Me first and I’ve set you an ID test of native plants that have nice berries at this time of the year. How many can you name?





And now over to Elaine’s little puzzles:

Just how brilliant at gardening are you?
Can you turn a LIME into a ROSE?!!
By changing one letter at a time, and making a real word each time, see if you can turn the first word into the second word in 3 or 4 moves:
- LIME …… …… ROSE
- RAIN …… …… ……. WIND
- BUGS …… ….. ……. PEAR
- CORN …… …… …… MACE

And now for a little rhyming puzzle that will lead to a festive horticultural favourite:
My first is in CHRISTMAS and also in MARY,
My second is in YULETIDE but never in CHEERY,
My third is in STOCKING and also in SNOW,
My fourth is in GIFT but never in BOW,
My fifth’s not in RIBBON but it is in a BELL,
And my sixth’s not in PUDDING, but it is in NOEL,
My seventh’s in NUTS and QUALITY STREET,
My eighth is in TOASTY but never in HEAT,
My ninth is in PRESENT and also in NEAR,
The whole is a PLANT FOR THIS TIME OF YEAR!!!!!
Time for bit of gardening trivia now – can you answer these questions?
- Which king created the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?
- What did Sir Charles Isham bring to Britain from Germany in 1847?
- The RHS stages a Garden Show at Tatton Park – in what county is it?
- What is Impatiens walleriana more commonly known as?
- (Since you’re reading the 3Growbags Christmas Quiz….!) What plant has the name of the Italian for ‘beautiful woman’?
- Which of these is botanically a vegetable – tomato, courgette, aubergine, rhubarb?


The UK has some utterly fabulous gardens, but it’s hard to put the address in your SATNAV if the name of the garden is horribly muddled up. Can you unscramble these iconic places? I’m afraid this one COMPLETELY defeated Caroline – she couldn’t get a single one, and had to take comfort in some of the Prosecco she had bought in for her Yuletide celebrations…………:
- (this is my special favourite) GARDENING LAURA – RICH BENDY BOOT!!!!
All the Answers to the Quiz can be found here.
Do check out Louise’s lovely plant for this week (now there’s someone who wouldn’t have a problem with plant IDs) – we are so thrilled that her super little book in our shop is proving such a hit with everyone!
Next week’s blog will be a video of our year – Caroline has put together a short story of how the3Growbags (and the UK) have staggered through 2020 – we hope you enjoy it.

We also hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas. Let’s all give ourselves a massive pat on the back. We’ve got through the year, with our love of plants and gardening playing a huge part in saving our sanity. We’ve even managed a good old laugh from time to time!
NB If you don’t subscribe already but would like to get a bit more gardening chit-chat from the3growbags, just enter your email address here and we’ll send you a new post every Saturday morning
6 replies on “The 3Growbags Christmas Quiz”
Thank you for a year of smiles, laughter, information and good advice. Merry Xmas everyone. ?
And thank you so much for your support, Helen – Happy Christmas and let’s hope for a merrier 2021 than 2020 has been……!
Thank you 3 Grow bags. It’s such a great thing you do each week. I wish you all a very peaceful Christmas and a much happier new year.
Keep on growing and perhaps be a little kinder to Caroline!! (I love the sibling rivalry!)
Best wishes. Roger
Thank you for your support, Roger, Elaine here – I hope you continue to enjoy our blog in 2021! Please don’t worry about Caroline – We never mean any of the teasing, of course, and she may not be as experienced at gardening as Laura and me, but she can be witheringly scornful of our pathetic attempts at technology, so she does give as good as she gets! Merry Christmas from us all.
Thank you all, three wonderful women, your regular gardening column has been a real dose of happiness each week. I love all the photos, the comments and the teasing. I wish you well for Christmas, and the following year, whatever it might bring.
We will be better for your company and infectious enthusiasm.
Best wishes
How kind of you to say that, Elizabeth! Elaine here. It feels so good that people are enjoying our musings and banter, and perhaps lightening the mood a little in these very difficult times. We hope you have a good Christmas and New Year, and continue to laugh at our blog…………….!