Gardening Tips

Let’s get planting! Grow-how tips for October

It’s planting time!  Trees, shrubs, roses, wallflowers, garlic…….there’s a myriad of things that you can plant out now. Do it before the ground starts to freeze or become too waterlogged to attempt it.  It will give them such a headstart next spring when everything starts to move again………. Wonderful wallflowers One of my major joys in spring […]

Gardening Tips

We want some heat! Grow how tips for late May

Surely, surely by now we are owed a decently long spell of warm weather – what a treat it will be to potter in the garden without needing my fleece! While we are patiently waiting for that to happen, let’s get on with some tasks like primping the flower borders, giving the lawn some TLC […]

Growbag Blog

Six spring plants to lift our spirits

Firstly a big welcome to all of you who’ve signed up to this, our regular Saturday blog, on the back of Elaine’s daily ‘DigYourOwnaForCorona’ posts – there is a link below if you haven’t experienced them. Her message to the nation is that we all can grow our own veg this summer if we just […]