1. Horticultural quotations
a) rosebuds b) violets c) apples d) flower e) rosemary (10 marks)
2. Tangled trees
a) magnolia b) laburnum c) holm oak d) chestnut e) hornbeam f) sycamore (12 marks)
3. Flying birds
a) DOVE, love, live, LIME
b) SWAN, swat, seat, teat, TEAK
c) SHAG, sham, slam, slum, PLUM (16 marks)
4. Christmas sparkle
a) ‘Gold Plate’ b) ‘Golden Wings’ c) ‘Silver Queen’ d) ‘Gold Rush ‘e) silverbush f) ‘Emerald ‘n Gold (12 marks)
TOTAL: 50 marks
5. Plant identification quiz
1a Common name – pasque flower, stemming from its early flowering time often around Easter, but its beautiful silky seedheads extend its season of interest well into the summer. (2 Marks)
1b Scientific name – Pulsatilla vulgaris (1 Mark)
2a Common name – five-leaved chocolate vine – an early flowering climber, happy on a north wall whose deep purple flowers smell faintly of chocolate. (2 Marks)
2b Scientific name – Akebia quinata (1 Mark)
3a Common name – white jasmine, usually sold as an indoor pot plant at Christmas but can be moved to a bigger pot and kept outside in summer and brought into a just frost free greenhouse or porch to flower again next winter. (2 Marks)
3b Scientific name – Jasminum polyanthum (1Mark)
4a Common name – Lent lily, our native daffodil that flowers in meadows and woods during the lead up to Easter, smaller and daintier than its cultivated cousins. (2 Marks)
4b Scientific name – Narcissus pseudonarcissus (1 Mark)
5a Common name – the cup and saucer vine. A tender climber best grown as an annual. Usually seen with purple flowers but can also be found in this rather more sophisticated white form. (2 Marks)
5b Scientific name Cobaea scandens f. alba (1Mark)
6a Common name – tulip tree. A really classy tree with a conical shape, beautifully shaped leaves, a stunning flower, and eye-catching butter yellow autumn colour. (2 Marks)
6b Scientific name – Liriodendron tulipifera (1 Mark)
7a Common name – clematis ’Princess Kate’. A mid-summer flowering clematis that looks great twining through a lax rose such as Rosa glauca. (2 Marks)
7b Scientific name – Clematis texensis ’Princess Kate’ (1 Mark)
8a Common name – pineapple lily. An exotic looking late summer flowering bulb, which looks great in a pot. (2 Marks)
8b Scientific name – Eucomis bicolor (1 Mark)
9a Common name – greater sea kale. A British native that throws up a huge head of small honey scented white flowers. Its smaller cousin the ordinary sea kale is equally desirable.
9b Scientific name – Crambe cordifolia
10a Common name – Dutchman’s pipe. A tender climber with heart shaped leaves and dramatic, foul smelling flowers. Different species have varying flower sizes and shapes and the one featured here is one of the biggest.
10b Scientific name – Aristolochia grandiflora
That gives you a grand total of 80 marks – hope you smashed it!
And if you want to know more about how plants are named and have a go at another quiz this is Laura’s plant names tutorial
2 replies on “Answers to the great Growbag Christmas quiz 2022”
Thank you for another year of naughty but nice – and very useful – gardening advice. I was rubbish at the quiz but it was fun trying.
Wishing a very Happy New Year to all!
Thank you Anna, Caroline here and I was useless at the quiz too. I got the daffodil but that sense of achievement was soon quashed when I saw you had to provide its botanical name as well! Wishing you also a very happy New Year X