Growbag Blog

10 stunning summer shrubs

Today we’re talking about some of our favourite summer shrubs.  Everyone knows about the spring beauties – philadelphus, spiraea, azaleas and the like, and of course, they are lovely. But somehow the summer bushes get overlooked amongst all the mad floweriness of perennials, annuals and bedding.  Let’s redress that balance now (I warn you, Laura’s are particularly […]

Growbag Blog

Beauty or beast – what makes a great winter shrub?

We’re pretty much confined to barracks now in our gardens and local parks, but our daily exercise walks can be livened up no end by one of those many winter shrubs that puts its best foot forward in the coldest months of the year. As the most normal of the 3growbags sisters (let’s face it, […]

Growbag Blog

Growbags batten down the hatches

Yikes, just when we thought we’d got away with it, the weather went all Winter Olympics on us. So how far were you prepared to go to protect those borderline shrubs which you were just congratulating yourself on having nursed through the worst of the winter? In my case it was quite far; I have […]